Privacy Policy

Galore’s Privacy Policy defines how we collect & and use your personal information. This Privacy Policy also explains the steps we take to secure your personal information.

Visiting our website

You can browse and visit this site without providing any personal information. You may remain anonymous while visiting the website unless you have registered for an account and log on with your username and password.

Data that we collect

We may gather a certain amount of data if you want to place an order for a product on the website.
We will process your orders using the information you will provide through our website.

Sharing your personal information

Galore Jewelry never uses, sell or share your personal information to any third party but only to our business partners like courier company to deliver your purchased item or our legal advisors.


Galore jewelry will use its best efforts to assure that your Personal Information is kept secure at all times.
We have implemented strict technical and security measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. After collecting your data through our website, we save it on a secure server. Our security procedures include occasionally requesting proof of identity before disclosing your personal information to you.